Results for 'Brisa Paim Duarte'

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  1.  34
    New (Post-?) Textualities and the Autonomy Claim: Rethinking Law’s Quest for Normative Convergence in Dialogue with Law and Aesthetics’ Heterodoxy.Brisa Paim Duarte - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (1):231-258.
    Beginning by offering an overview on legal aesthetic humanisms as a specific embodiment of critical discourse, and discussing the ways the recreation of juridical experience, rationality, and culture underpinning such a criticism, leaving behind monolithic views on textuality, judgment, and subjectivity, positively contributes to unsettling the main assumptions underlying typical understandings of law’s autonomy—mostly those of formal specification of juridical “sources” and “scientific” isolation of legal thought—, this paper argues that simply reproducing aesthetic heterodoxy as the epitome of a humanist (...)
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    A Escola Superior de Guerra e o discurso democrático-doi: 10.4025/dialogos.v18i1.900.Luiz Claudio Duarte - 2014 - Dialogos 18 (1).
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    A filosofia brasileira.Antônio Paim - 1991 - Lisboa: Instituto de Cultura e Lingua Portuguesa, Ministério da Educação.
  4.  9
    Corrente eclética na Bahia.Antônio Paim & Anna Maria Moog Rodrigues (eds.) - 1979 - Rio de Janeiro: Editora Documentário.
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    O estudo do pensamento filosófico brasileiro.Antônio Paim - 1986 - S. [i.e. São] Paulo-SP: Editora Convívio.
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    Viajeras del período colonial. El uso de fuentes históricas coloniales resignificadas para adolescentes.Brisa Varela & Marisa Requiere - 2019 - Clío: History and History Teaching 45:30-48.
    En la Conferencia sobre la Población y el Desarrollo (El Cairo, 1994) se incorpora el concepto de empoderamiento (la necesidad de que las mujeres adquieran poder, fuerza y autoestima) como requisito para un desarrollo equitativo entre los géneros. A partir de la 4ª Conferencia Mundial sobre la Mujer (Beijing, 1995) ese concepto adquiere impulso al adoptar de forma unánime los estados miembros de la ONU la Plataforma de Acción. Si el espacio social es una construcción desplegada en el tiempo y (...)
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    Esteves Pereira: o homem e a obra.Antônio Rodríguez Paim - 2017 - Cultura:403-410.
    Este artigo retoma, numa versão revista e resumida, a apresentação da obra e do pensamento de José Esteves Pereira, elaborada para o Projeto Ensayo Hispánico da Universidade da Geórgia, coordenado por José Luís Gómez-Martínez. Encontra-se dividido em duas partes: uma breve introdução biobibliográfica e uma exposição das linhas principais da epistemologia da História das Ideias, segundo Esteves Pereira.
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    Naturaleza y voluntad en la Filosofía Ético-Política de J.J. Rousseau.Irene Borges-Duarte - 1989 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 7:163.
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  9.  6
    Filosofia.Pedro Duarte (ed.) - 2017 - Rio de Janeiro: FUNARTE.
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    A filosofia da escola do Recife.Antônio Paim - 1966 - Rio de Janeiro,: Editôra Saga.
  11.  10
    Filosofia, ética e educação: por uma cultura de paz.Viviane Catarini Paim - 2011 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 3 (1):1-6.
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    Revelaçao, Fé e Anúncio.José de Souza Paim - 2015 - Revista de Teologia 9 (16):103-115.
    On the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council and the 20th anniversary since the publication of The Catechism of the Catholic Church, Benedict XVI published a Letter entitled Porta Fidei, in which it was promulgated the Year of Faith. It began on November 11th 2012 and expired onl November 24th 2013. The year of 2012 was also when the XIII Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops about The New Evangelization for the (...)
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    Pobreza de espírito? Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe e a crítica ao nacional-espiritualismo de Heidegger.Duarte André - 2011 - Natureza Humana 13 (1):1-24.
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  14. Armindo de Sousa: o que passa e o que fica.Luis Duarte - 2001 - História 2:175-182.
    A short introduction to the medievalist Armindo de Sousa, in which the author analyses the most relevant aspects of this scholar's professional and academic life and illustrates the most significant lines of study and features of his work.
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  15.  18
    Estado, sociedade e meio ambiente no Brasil em 200 anos de Independência.Regina Horta Duarte - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (51).
    Este artigo intenta apresentar uma visão panorâmica da complexidade histórica das relações entre sociedade, estado e meio ambiente no Brasil. Argumenta que a genealogia dessas relações evidencia uma trajetória não linear, multifacetada e conflituosa. Há diversas tradições no palco dos confrontos políticos atuais: o Brasil se destaca por uma longa história de destruição, que remonta ao início da colonização do território, mas também por uma fértil tradição de pensamento conservacionista, significativas lutas socioambientais, e pelo pioneirismo nas pautas globais em prol (...)
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  16. Cosmología: el humanismo cristiano.Duarte Oropesa & A. José - 1990 - Miami, FL., USA: Ediciones Universal.
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  17.  2
    Bibliografia filosófica brasileira: período contemporâneo (1931/1977).Antônio Paim - 1979 - [São Paulo, S.P.]: Edições GRD.
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    Indice da Revista brasileira de filosofia: (1951-1980).Antônio Paim - 1983 - Salvador-Bahia: Centro de Documentação do Pensamento Brasileiro. Edited by Marta Sueli Dias Santos.
  19. Modelos éticos: introdução ao estudo da moral.Antônio Paim - 1992 - Paraná: Editora Universitária Champagnat.
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  20.  8
    O krausismo brasileiro.Antônio Paim - 1999 - Londrina: Universidade Estadual de Londrina.
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    Psychoanalysis and critical theory: A new quarrel about revisionism?Duarte Rolo - 2019 - Constellations 26 (1):31-42.
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    Team Synergies in Sport: Theory and Measures.Duarte Araújo & Keith Davids - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Cosmologia: el humanismo cristiano.José Duarte Oropesa - 1990 - Miami, FL: Ediciones Universal.
  24. Noções de filosofia.Maria Helena Bresser Duarte - 1966 - São Paulo,: Editôra Atica. Edited by José́ Bantim Duarte.
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  25.  26
    Earth Black Rising and Queen Sono: A Critical Decolonial Analysis.Fernando David Márquez Duarte - 2021 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):118-135.
    In this article two series are analyzed: Black Earth Rising and Queen Sono, shows that are about African realities from an African perspective. The findings in this article show that both series address social and political issues such as neocolonialism, neoextractivism, internal colonialism, racism, inequality, justice, self-determination, corruption, violence, peace, memory, necropolitics, mental health, and decoloniality. I also argue that the shows could be used as pedagogical tools to raise critical consciousness in a wide public regarding the social and political (...)
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  26. Bibliografia filosófica brasileira.Antãonio Paim & Centro de Documentaðcäao do Pensamento Brasileiro - 1983 - [Salvador, Bahia]: Centro de Documentação do Pensamento Brasileiro.
    [1] 1808-1930 -- [2] Período contemporâneo, 1931-1980 -- [3] Período contemporâneo, 1981-1985.
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  27. El contenido mental no-conceptual y la experiencia perceptual espacial.John Anderson P.-Duarte & Alejandro Murillo - 2011 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 11 (23):7-28.
    Nuestro interés en el contenido mental no-conceptual es, principalmente, la articulación de una versión sustantiva (no-trivial) de esta clase de contenido en la experiencia perceptual. El debate acerca del contenido no-conceptual ha girado, en su mayor parte, alrededor de su existencia; y los argumentos que se han ofrecido en su favor abogan por una versión no sustantiva según la cual el contenido no-conceptual es aquel que no satisface ciertos requisitos conceptuales. Así, para desarrollar una versión sustantiva del contenido mental no-conceptual (...)
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  28. What exactly is acquired during skill acquisition?Duarte Araújo & Keith Davids - 2011 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 18 (3-4):3-4.
    In this paper we propose that the term skill acquisition, as commonly used in traditional psychology, and the philosophy, education, movement science and performance development literatures, has been biased by an organismic asymmetry. In cognitive and experimental psychology, for example, it refers to the establishment of an internal state or representation of an act which is believed to be acquired as a result of learning and task experience. Here we elucidate an ecological perspective which suggests that the term skill acquisition (...)
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  29. Teoria do valor: bases para um método.Duarte Gonçalves - 2014 - Trans/Form/Ação 37 (1):71-104.
    O estudo do valor é indissociável da análise dos conceitos de bom e Bem, pelo que qualquer base metodológica que lhe sirva de alicerce tem de partir do exame destes. Assumindo os riscos do sem-sentido, recusamos uma redução relativista do bom predicativo a bom atributivo e de bom a bom para, bom do ponto de vista de, bom relativo a, e avançamos para a discussão de algumas tentativas de identificação do bom, nomeadamente com o prazer, o desejo e o escolhido. (...)
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  30. Novo código de processo civil: Reflexões sobre liberdade, igualdade E mudanças de paradigmas.Gabriella do Carmo Pantoja Duarte - 2016 - Revista Fides 7 (1).
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  31. O direito à cidade E o direito às cidades sustentáveis no brasil: O direito à produção E fruição do espaço E o enfrentamento do déficit de implementação.Marise Costa de Souza Duarte - 2015 - Revista Fides 6 (1).
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    Response to Samuel Rocha’s Review of Being and Learning.Eduardo M. Duarte - 2013 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 32 (5):559-561.
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    Youth talking: notes on social research practices and logics.Duarte Klaudio, Canales Manuel & Cottet Pablo - 2016 - Cinta de Moebio 57:275-284.
    Social research techniques are a set of devices that contribute to the observation and knowledge of the social. Such devices are the subject of analysis in this article. The main argument that we hold is that increasingly innovation in design and use is required to better understand the complexity contained in social processes we studied, not succumbing to the formalization and crystallization of the same, but opening to movements that blur boundaries and open up new possibilities increasingly filled with everyday (...)
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    ‘I am not data’: A GAN simulation in tandem with Second Nature.Mónica Alcázar-Duarte - 2023 - Philosophy of Photography 14 (2):271-282.
    ‘I am not data’ has been produced in collaboration with a creative coder from the Netherlands. Over a period of six months around 4600 images were chosen from approximately 20,000 images of LatinX femmes. The images were then fed into a generative adversarial network (GAN) simulation that produced this film. The resulting work seeks to elucidate a process of lumping together foreign bodies as a method of amalgamation that works to create ‘new’ information. It exists in tandem with ‘Second Nature’, (...)
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  35. The Ontological Status of Bodies in Leibniz (Part I).Shane Duarte - 2015 - Studia Leibnitiana 47 (2):131-161.
    It's well known that Leibniz characterizes bodies in two apparently incompatible ways. On the one hand, he asserts that a body is a real or well-founded phenomenon; on the other, he claims that a body is an aggregate of substances that possesses the reality of these same substances. In this essay I aim to defend an explanation of the relation that exists, according to Leibniz, between these two conceptions of body, an explanation that shows them to be compatible and, indeed, (...)
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  36.  19
    (2 other versions)História das idéias filosóficas no Brasil.Antônio Paim - 1967 - São Paulo,: Ed. Grijalbo.
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    A aventura como abertura afectiva do a-vir: uma abordagem fenomenológica.Irene Borges-Duarte - 2020 - Filosofia Unisinos 21 (2).
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    À força de padecer: Considerações sobre a Dor como experiência ontológica.Irene Borges-Duarte - 2019 - Revista Natureza Humana 21 (2).
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    Estudos complementares à História das idéias filosóficas no Brasil.Antônio Paim - 1998 - Londrina: Editora UEL. Edited by Antônio Paim.
    vol. 1. Os intérpretes da filosofia brasileira (3a. ed. revista de O estudo do pensamento filosófico brasileiro) -- vol. 2. As filosofias nacionais (2a ed. rev. e ampliada) -- vol. 3. Etapas iniciais da filosofia brasileira -- vol. 4. A escola eclética (2a ed. rev.) -- vol. 7. A filosofia brasileira contemporânea.
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  40. Os grandes ciclos do liberalismo Brasileiro.Antônio Paim - 1987 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 26 (1):11-16.
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  41. The Ontological Status of Bodies in Leibniz (Part II).Shane Duarte - 2016 - Studia Leibnitiana 48 (1):68-88.
    In the second part of this essay, I aim to show that Leibniz, in asserting that bodies are aggregates of substances, wants to affirm something about bodies insofar as they exist a parte rei or in reality: in reality a body is not a being, but a multitude of beings or substances. And this, on my view, is precisely what leads Leibniz to assert that bodies are phenomena: since a body is not in reality a being, but many beings, it (...)
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  42. Reflections on Brazilian Amazonia and International Policies.Lilian Cristina Duarte - 2000 - Diogenes 48 (191):135-138.
    Nowadays, that part of Amazonia which is situated on Brazilian territory is more and more the focus of attention for communication methods and the international agenda. This enormous expanse of land covered by tropical forest of unequalled beauty, extending over several Brazilian states, possesses an extremely rich biodiversity, with a vast potential reserve of natural resources of all sorts, and inspires admiration as well as inevitable greed. The intensification of human activity in the region has given rise to problems such (...)
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  43.  23
    Analogy and Balancing: The Partial Reducibility Thesis and Its Problems.David Duarte - 2015 - Revus 25:141-154.
    With an analysis of the structure and the sequence of analogy, the paper is mainly a critique to the partial reducibility thesis: a thesis sustaining that analogy, besides a strictly analogical step, is in the remaining part reducible to balancing. Thus, the paper points out some problems raised by the partial reducibility thesis, such as the contingency of reducibility or the fact that a proper analogy is done under the cover of a balancing. The main point is, however, the claim (...)
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  44.  9
    La justicia social.Antonio R. Duarte - 1946 - México,:
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    Tradução de Um Inédito de Merleau-Ponty (Maurice Merleau-Ponty).Amsterdan Duarte - 2022 - Revista Dialectus 27 (27):165-173.
    Tradução de Un inédit de Merleau-Ponty, publicado pela Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale no número 4 do ano 67 (outubro-dezembro de 1962, pp. 401-409). Expressamos nossa gratidão à PUF (Presses Universitaires de France), editora responsável pela revista, na pessoa de Alexandra Pernin, que gentilmente nos concedeu autorização para publicar a presente tradução.
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  46.  14
    The path and the Conversation. Self-interpreting Heidegger.Irene Borges-Duarte - 2021 - Phainomenon 31 (1):17-40.
    In his quest to let language speak, Heidegger explored thoroughly the possibilities of meaning of factical language, in its phenomenological and poietic dimensions. He thereby came to characterize Being and Time as a way, a path which must be followed until it ends. He later understood it as a wandering and, finally, as a dead end (Holzweg). The idea of the walker, in conversation with himself, accompanies this entire journey. The present essay seeks to uncover the main moments of Heidegger’s (...)
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  47.  31
    O Pai devorador de seus filhos. Do mito de Saturno à interpretação fenomenológica e analítica do tempo/The voracious Father: From Saturn to the phenomenological and analytic reading of time.Irene Borges‑Duarte - 2013 - Natureza Humana 15 (2).
    Reequacionar o papel do Pai no amadurecimento pessoal da criança implica uma análise da triangulação relacional pela qual ela se abre ao mundo circundante. O presente trabalho propõe-se tratar o lugar que nessa abertura tem a experiência do tempo. Partindo da leitura mitológica do fenômeno «tempo» no mito de Kronos-Saturno, contrasta-se a experiência que ela expõe com a vivência de plenitude, alheia ao tempo, ligada ao momento da relação fusional do bebê com a mãe. A integração do Pai no marco (...)
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  48.  8
    Quiet and Disquiet: The Paradox of Lived Time.Irene Borges-Duarte - 2018 - Phainomenon 28 (1):29-48.
    ‘Quiet’ and ‘Disquiet’ are terms which express ways of accounting for time-experience, besides being equally open for a rendering as emotional states. Starting from three existential moods – stress, boredom, and the joy of the present moment – this inquiry aims to put into evidence the structuring features of our existential experience of time itself, both in the daily exercise of our being-in-the-world, and at the level of our being or not being in possession of oneself in such exercise and (...)
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  49.  27
    ¿ Recepción o interceptación? Reflejos de la mirada heideggeriana hacia Kant.Irene Borges-Duarte - 1995 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 12:213.
    En la larga historia de la recepción de la filosofía crítica, Heidegger ocupa un lugar singular: más querecibir, intercepte la mirada y las problemáticas kantianas, que así ganan un contexto de sentido muy preciso pero distinto del suyo originario. Después de deshacer el principal equívoco ligado a la interpretación de este encuentro de miradas, se explicite la decisión hermenéutica heideggeriana y sus consecuencias tedricas más iniportantes.Dic ausgezeichnete Stelle Heideggers bei dei Gescluichte dei Rezeption dar kritischen Philosophie hat sein Cjrund darin, (...)
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    Benjamin's conception of language and Adorno's aesthetic theory.Rodrigo Duarte - 2005 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 46 (112):321-331.
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